Machinery Breakdown

Machinery Breakdown


Any machine successfully tested and commissioned for normal production is covered under the Machinery Breakdown Policy against sudden and unforeseen breakdown.

The cover also extends for these machines during operation or at rest or being dismantled for the purpose of cleaning or overhauling within the premises or during subsequent re-erection.

  • Faulty material, defects in casting, faulty construction, faulty design, cracking or overheating of parts, short circuits and electrical burnouts, faulty erection, explosion, tearing apart on account of centrifugal forces, failure of operation of safety devices.

    Lack of skill, carelessness, sabotage, falling bodies, electrical over pressure, failure of other machinery connected with it, entry of foreign objects.

  • Provides effective insurance cover for plant, machinery and mechanical equipment at work, at rest or during maintenance operations. It covers unforeseen and sudden physical loss of or damage to the insured items, necessitating their repair or replacement.

    • Commencement/completion Date
    • Period of construction
    • Period of Maintenance
    • Engineering Requirements(Drawings , blueprints etc)
    • Consulting Engineers
    • Details regarding Contractors/ sub contractors